Today i decided to do an indoor activity because of the rain outside (which btw is VERY nice!!!). We baked cookies and then decorated them. The kitchen is now clean again!!!! Here are the pics i took while little martha stewart decorated. LOL!!!
Today has been a trying day so far. My patience is wearing very thin with anna. She has been potty trained for about 3 months or more? She has had like 3 accidents in the past 2 days. It's sooooo frustrating! She used to want to go the potty "all by myself" but now she wont go unless I'm with her and if someone doesn't go with her she will just do it in her pants b/c she will wait so long. She also is extremely whiny! If something doesn't go her way look out! She will fall in the floor in tears. It is now 4:38 and I hear her upstairs running around and ava is still awake. Needless to say, they should be taking a nap! I'm going to work on my Bible study homework so maybe that will help me simmer down. Decorating those cookies were a great time with her but when she wanted ANOTHER cookie and i said not right now...OHHHHH MY!!!! I am ready for a vacation this weekend!!!!! Now, I love my girls but it is time for a vacay! Tonight is cake class and tomorrow night is Bible study at Grace. Looking forward to it. Then Friday we leave for Summerville to see Nick get married!!!! Yay!! A vacay for me and the hubby! FINALLY! Hope you all have a wonderful evening!
What's Up a week into the New Year!
11 years ago
oh my.... i think Anna has a future job with!
cookies are too cute and look delicious!
uh oh, now you tell miss anna that aunt dorothy is always bragging on how well behaved she is, so she better mind her mamma or else! lol
Don't talk about my precious like that! I'm sure this is just a little "payback" with more to come! JK, but you had your "days" too! I am so looking forward to some quality time with my babies this weekend, but be warned, they may need to be re-programmed (?) when you get home! :)
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