This past weekend was very busy but very fun! Jon and i went to the parenting conference at Grace friday and saturday and it was packed with TONS of great information and ideas! We were really blessed! Friday night we saw a lot of friends and wished the break was longer so we could have talked a little more. We will just have to get together with them sometime soon! I'm now the one in the family struggling with the cold that my family keeps passing around. My head is really hurting but mommies don't really get sick days. =( i did stay in bed the majority of the day yesterday b/c jon's sweet mom came and got the girls for me!! THANK YOU!!!! Here is a picture of ava who fell asleep in her highchair last week. She has NEVER done this. This new seat has a recliner and allison told me why and this is the reason! I thought it was soooo sweet!!!
What's Up a week into the New Year!
11 years ago
Your cakes are beautiful as always! Ava looks so precious sleeping in that highchair! I loved it when that would happen with my two. Hope you get to feeling better! Love ya!
hey friend!!! so glad we got to see each other saturday night--but we still need girl catch up time!!! cant wait for spa day!
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